That is up to you! We will tell you what we think will work best for you, but you are an adult (or a child who has come for care, accompanied by their custodial adult). We understand that work may take you out of town, things can get complicated at home, cash can be short (we have a few things that can help you get care if that’s the case) or you just plain want to think about it.
On your first visit, we do a detailed history and exam. Please plan on an hour, longer if you haven’t filled out your history form at home. You will get your first adjustment on that day, unless we see a reason to wait. Then, we will usually see you anywhere from 2 days to two weeks later to do a progress exam, going over everything that was positive on your first visit. Sometimes, we’ll ask you to call us about your progress so we can make sure you’re on the right track and to answer any questions you may have come up with. If that’s the case, please remember to call. It’s important re: your care. We don’t do long treatment plans here, we’d rather check in and stay on top of things. Some people come in with raging problems and there are only one or two things that are causing them. They quickly disappear. Some people come in with mild but chronic problems and those may take longer than they originally appeared to be inclined to. Most people fall somewhere in between. That’s where the shorter plans with more frequent check-ins make sense.